NIMS: Resource Types

What is Resource Typing?

Resource typing is the categorization and description of resources mapped to the core capabilities that are commonly requested, deployed and used in incidents. The NIC continues to develop and update resource types. Resource typing definitions serve as common language for use by the whole community in ensuring they request and receive the appropriate resources during an emergency or disaster. Ordering resources that have been typed using these definitions makes the resource request and dispatch process more accurate and efficient. Since 2006, state, local, tribal, and territorial, jurisdictions have been required to inventory resources in accordance with NIMS implementation objectives.

What is the purpose of Resource Typing?

Resource typing enhances emergency preparedness and readiness by the whole community through a system that allows jurisdictions to augment their capabilities during an incident. Standard resource typing definitions help to inventory their resources, estimate capabilities, request and deploy the resources they need through the use of common terminology. Resource types allow emergency management personnel to identify, locate, request, order and track outside resources quickly and effectively and facilitate the movement of these resources to the jurisdiction that needs them.

Is Resource Typing part of NIMS?

Yes. Resource typing is an important part of resource management, which is one of the five components of the National Incident Management System. The typing of resources to conform to the NIMS Resource Typing Definitions is one of the NIMS implementation objectives.


The NIMS Integration Center therefore recognizes the need to revise its former policy position, and add the capacity to recognize “Tier One” and “Tier Two” resource typing definitions.  “Tier One” will continue to be national in its scope and consist of the current 120 and resource typing definitions.  “Tier Two” will be those resources defined and inventoried by the states, tribal, and local jurisdictions that are not “Tier One” resources, but rather those that are specific and limited to intra-state mutual aid request, and to limited specific in regional mutual aid assistance (i.e. resources which may cross state lines, but which would not be “Tier One” resources).  Also under “Tier Two” would be first responder resources that would not be deployable nationally, or are so common that national definitions are not required as they can be ordered using common language( i.e. pick-up trucks, etc.).

Source: NIMS Guide 0001-2007